Thursday, 23 March 2017


Wednesday morning, in the middle of working, I finally got the call to let me know the results of my blood work.

At first they simply said they wanted me to continue taking my meds.

When I inquired about my HCG levels the nurse told me that they had raised again. With further inquiry I found out they rose to 2139.

When I asked whether those numbers were o.k., she responded that they were rising well, but that we would know more after my ultrasound.

So here I remain in limbo.

I have an appointment with my family doctor tomorrow to let him know what is happening. (The Regional Fertility Clinic advised me to make the appointment.)

Again I am trying to remain positive and will just have to wait to see what happens next Thursday.

So again, I am asking for your thoughts and prayers.


  1. You have to wait til next Thursday? omg this is ridiculous! I'm still praying for you!

    1. I know!!! When I've compared this journey as a roller coaster ride I wasn't kidding. Thank you so much for all the support Candace.

  2. Still saying a little prayer for you, Lori. My first beta is tomorrow. Hopefully I will have similar numbers. :)

    1. That is so exciting Teri! I've got my fingers crossed for you.

    2. Ugh, BFN. :,( I'm really rooting for you now, since I am out.

    3. Teri, I am so very sorry to hear of your BFN... I know too well how devastating that result is. I am keeping you in my prayers. I hope you will soon get a BFP!
