On Monday we went in for our ultrasound hoping that our baby's heartbeat had gotten stronger.
Unfortunately, they weren't able to find a heartbeat at all.
Not only was there no heartbeat, but they also said that our pregnancy had regressed.
I think the worst part for me was the devastation that I saw on Chris's face.
He stayed so positive throughout this whole ordeal. In fact he was initially excited when we first saw the ultrasound because he could see the gestational sack and thought the baby was fine. When she told us she couldn't find the heartbeat he looked shocked and then shattered.
After the ultrasound we went upstairs and talked with our fertility doctor. She expressed her condolences and made another appointment for me for next week.
After the ultrasound I stopped the estrogen and progesterone. Now it will be just a wait game. I haven't started bleeding yet and have no idea when it will start.
I took today off work, but am planning to go back tomorrow.
I don't think I can handle sitting around waiting for the miscarriage. Last time it took weeks before it started and lasted about a week.
Although I couldn't seem to stop crying yesterday, today I have been feeling completely numb.
I want to thank all my amazing friends and family who have been so supportive. I honestly don't know what I would do without you all.