This past week has been difficult, and although I continue to try to remain positive, I have my down moments.
Last night I was having one of those down moments when I received a message on my Messenger account. The message was from a friend that I haven't seen in awhile.
She is a gorgeous mother of two beautiful children so I was surprised to read that she has been following my blog.
She shared with me how she had experienced a scare with her last pregnancy and how she understood the pain of waiting to see what was going to happen.
She also explained how my blog has helped her in an unexpected way:
"...I thought I would let you know that while I realize your blog is aimed toward helping other families experiencing the same things, it has helped me in a different way. The first night I saw your post on Facebook I was having a truly horrible night dealing with a hysterical baby that I just couldn't console. I was at my wits end and had spend most of the night sobbing in the room while pacing back and forth exhausted beyond belief and just feeling like I couldn't do it. When I finally got him to calm down enough to eat I read your blog and it put so much into perspective and gave me the strength I needed to get through it. It was a blessing for me that night..."
I can't begin to explain how much this message touched me. As soon as I read it, I burst into tears.
As I've mentioned in the past, I began this blog as a way to deal with all the emotions that I was experiencing. I had a vague hope that maybe I would also be able to help another woman, a stranger, going through a similar struggle.
I am constantly amazed how my blog has helped to open the door for family and friends to share their experiences. It has affirmed the importance of being
transparent, open and honest with your loved ones.
If we only share the good in our lives, when something does go wrong, we are left feeling isolated and alone.
In our social media filled world of Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter, instead of being more connected we often feel disconnected.
We are all guilty of sharing only our best photos, amazing vacations and personal successes so that by all outward appearances our lives look
If we let it, Social Media can make us feel like our lives are not good enough, or even worse that
we are not good enough.
I hope by sharing my struggles I can be a part of a change. So that everyone who does happen to read my blog realizes that NO, I am not perfect, and it is ok if they aren't perfect either!
Instead of only celebrating the perfect moments in our lives, let's share our
real imperfect lives!