Thursday 27 August 2015

Not Giving Up

I've had a few people ask me whether or not I was going to keep trying to
conceive, and if so was I going to keep writing my blog.

Chris and I are definitely going to keep trying!

And yes, I will still keep on writing... not everyday, but whenever I feel I have something to share or just need to vent. Just because it didn't work for us the first time I don't want to stop writing. I think it is just as important to share our failures as our successes.

So what's the plan?

Well, along with following my nutrition plan, I also have an appointment to meet with our doctor at the Calgary Regional Fertility Centre on September 10.

We are planning to try IVF again. The appointment will be to discuss what it will look like this time. Often if it doesn't work the first time they will try a different protocol.

I`m not sure what it will look like this time, but at least I know I can handle the injections.

My husband Chris is getting really impatient and we had a huge argument last evening over the length of time its taking.

Experiencing infertility can be a real strain on a relationship.

We have to keep reminding ourselves that we are both upset, we both want this to happen, and that we are in this together!


  1. Praying for you both-I totally understand the relationship strain firsthand. You guys are strong :)

    1. Hi Candace, Thank you so much for your support! I know you have been there!

  2. Great post! For those over 40 looking to get pregnant, if you can afford it, buy this book: Pregnancy Miracle. Available in digital format as well here.

    Well first of all, it's not just an infertility cure program, it shows you how to get pregnant fast. It worked beautifully for me n hubby :)

    This may seem like semantics or wordplay at first, but once you've read just the first chapters, there will be no doubt in your mind that pursuing "help with your pregnancy" is not only the wrong goal, it may be the reason that you've failed to get pregnant until now.Pregnancy Miracle shows you exactly why you should fix the internal problem that's hindering your chances of getting pregnant and then goes on to show you exactly how to do it.Secondly, what makes Pregnancy Miracle different is the amount of attention that is paid to each and every element required to get pregnant the natural way. Pregnancy Miracle not only thoroughly discusses the lies, myths and fallacies surrounding a very confusing subject, it is simply the most detailed book about pregnancy and infertility, Chinese Medicine and holistic health ever written.

    The Pregnancy Miracle book focuses on 100% natural method for getting pregnant quickly. That means there aren't recommendations for harsh prescription drugs or surgeries with nasty side effects.

    Because the Pregnancy Miracle program is [b]not a quick fix ‘fairy tale’ cure but a complete holistic solution aimed at eliminating the root cause of fertility problems[/b](regardless of your age) and ensure your will get pregnant quickly, it does take work and persistence to complete. "The dictionary is the only place success comes before work" says Lisa, as she emphasizes the "no quick fix" philosophy behind the entire book.Anyone and everyone who wants to get pregnant naturally and regain their natural inner balance will benefit from Pregnancy Miracle. This ebook is honestly for everyone. Even women without fertility issues.

    Anyone searching for the truth about pregnancy, fertility issues and alternative health and who is ready and willing to put in some work and make the lifestyle changes necessary to get pregnant fast and give birth to healthy children, will find Pregnancy Miracle to be one of the best investments they ever made in their lives.
