Sunday 5 July 2015

MIA: Missing In Action

For the last couple of days I have been MIA, Missing In Action. 

Why? I'm not really sure. 

For the past two weeks, I have had so much that I wanted needed to write about. So many things that I wanted to share with other women who were going through the same experiences. 

And then... it stopped!

At first I thought it was because I couldn't think of anything that I wanted to say.

Then last night, I realized that I am afraid!

I'm afraid that by writing about this I will somehow jinx it. I so desperately want this IUI to work, and yet I know that we only have 20% odds of success.

Have you ever had the feeling that you want something too much?

As I mentioned previously, I also know that so many of our friends and family are wishing and praying for this to happen, and I don't want to let anyone else down.

When I had this realization last night I knew I needed to write another post, because I refuse to allow fear to rule me.

I can't promise that I will go back to writing a post everyday, but I will say that whenever I feel like I have something to share, I will.

So here is what I have been doing these past two days:

I have been taking the Endometrin (progesterone) tablets three times a day. Thankfully, the cramps have pretty much stopped, but I am still completely exhausted. In fact, the second day I was on them, all I did was read a book in between naps!

I have also been doing a lot of praying and visualization. I try to visualize the sperm meeting the egg, the egg growing and developing, and a successful implantation.

I bought and have been eating a couple of brazil nuts a day. I've read several studies on the internet which have suggested that brazil nuts contain selenium, a natural antioxidant, which may increase women's chances in conceiving.

I have been drinking lots of water, have visited with friends, and also went to the Stampede!

Maybe going to the Stampede grounds will help- after all- tons of Stampede babies are born every year! :)

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