Monday 6 July 2015

Backaches and Afternoon Naps

Yesterday, after visiting with friends, I noticed that my lower back was bothering me. Unfortunately, this is a symptom that I normally get the week before I start my period. 

So like always, I immediately went to my friend Google, and began researching backaches and early pregnancy symptoms. 

Here's the thing: Every symptom you search on the internet comes up as an early pregnancy symptom! 

Have a headache? You may be pregnant. 

Feeling tired? You may be pregnant.

Feeling thirsty? You may be pregnant.

And it goes on and on and on!

So, even though lower back discomfort can be an early symptom of pregnancy, it is not a common one. It did make me feel a little better, but I'm not rushing to buy any baby clothes!

This morning I went for a walk with a good friend, her gorgeous little baby and their sweet dog. It was great to see them, and to be able to talk with someone who has been there before. It took my friend 18 months to get pregnant so she understands the fear and anxiety that I experience each month that passes and we don't get pregnant. Seeing her and her daughter also gives me hope!

While on our walk she asked if I was going to take an early pregnancy test. I explained my plan, if I haven't already started my period, is to take a pregnancy test the morning that I go for my blood work.  Although, it won't be for another two weeks, I don't want to end up getting a false positive from the trigger shot. 

The trigger shot of HCG- is made up of human chorionic gonadotropin which is a hormone that I was given to mature and release my eggs. It is also a pregnancy hormone that will give a false positive on a pregnancy test. It can stay in a woman's body for up to two weeks, which is why the nurse suggested I wait until the morning of my blood work.

When I got home I ate lunch, and then because my lower back was bothering me again, I lay down on the couch, and then didn't wake up until an hour later! 

So it seems, like many toddlers, I now need an afternoon nap! 

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