Monday 13 March 2017

Mixed News

My heart is so heavy right now.

On Sunday morning Chris and I decided to do a pregnancy test before I left to get my blood work.

I wanted to do it because I was afraid if the blood work turned out negative I didn't want to find out Monday morning while I was at work.

We were absolutely overjoyed when it was positive! We quickly called our parents to share our exciting news. Although, I was still feeling a little nervous I was thrilled and felt like it was finally going to happen for us.

This morning just before I started work I received a phone call from the Regional Fertility Clinic. I was so excited to see the number thinking I was going to get my much anticipated confirmation.

But my excitement soon turned to anguish.

The lady on the phone informed me that although the blood work showed that I was pregnant my hCG levels were not as high as they would expect.

My levels were around 170 and they would expect to see them around 270 (I can't remember the exact numbers to be honest as I was feeling numb).

She went on to ask me if I would be able go for blood work again tomorrow so they can check to see if my levels are rising or decreasing.

Best case scenario my levels are just slow to rise. Worse case would be that the embryo(s) implanted in the wrong spot or it (they) are not viable.

I've booked tomorrow off so that I can go in and get the blood work done in the morning, and I'm hoping that I will receive word from the Regional by the afternoon. I decided to book the whole day off as I can't imagine getting bad news there... today was hard enough.

I'm asking anyone and everyone who is reading this to please pray for us.

Hopefully I can become one of the low hCG level success stories that I've been researching online!


  1. Praying for you-keep checking back been thinking about you all day!!
