Monday 5 October 2015


This weekend my nerves finally kicked in.

Up until now I have been going along not really thinking too much about the possible outcomes.

Sunday morning I went in at 8:30 to have my blood work and ultrasound done. Because they were extremely busy, I was asked to go back at 10:30 to get my results.

When I went back they told me they wanted me to give myself another round of meds. Then on Monday I was to give myself a shot of Cetrotide to prevent me from ovulating early. At 11:00 p.m. Monday night I would be triggering, and that we would be doing the IUI on Wednesday.

Ever since I have been feeling like a cat on a hot tin roof.  I can't seem to keep my nerves under control.

I guess it's because I'm coming to the point of it being out of my control again.

I have one more shot to take and after Wednesday I will just have to wait and see.

Like last time I am trying to remain 'cautiously optomistic.' Although 20% isn't the best odds, it definitely beats the 5% we have on our own.


  1. I'm praying for you girl-start taking some deep breaths you must have so much anxiety and stress over this!!

  2. Thanks Candace! For the most part I have been doing really well, but I have my moments where I start feeling overwhelmed. Like you suggested I just take some deep breaths and try to reassure myself that God has a plan for us... even if we don't know what it is.

    1. So true Lori-I hope his plans involve this working!
