Thursday 25 June 2015

Life on Hold

For the past two years I feel as though I have been living my life on hold. I have been afraid to make long term plans, have too many drinks, or even make what should be simple decisions... just in case!

My biggest regret was when I missed a family holiday, my nephews' first trip to Walt Disney World, because I was afraid (hoping) that I would be pregnant.

I have recently decided that I will no longer live my life like this!

One of the major inconveniences about taking injections for fertility is that I have to take four a day, and they always have to be at the same time.

My schedule looks like this:

7:30 a.m.- Suprefact shot
7:45 a.m.- medications and vitamins
12:00 p.m.- prenatal vitamin (can't be taken with other 'medications')
5:00 p.m.- Gonal F and Luveris Shots
6:00 p.m.- more vitamins
7:30 p.m.- Suprefact shot

* for a week I was also taking an antibiotic twice a day that needed to be taken with a meal, but couldn't be taken within an hour of dairy.

At times this schedule seemed overwhelming, as though I was living my life around these different medications.

I am proud to say that I have not let this stop me from having dinner with family, going to my pottery class, celebrate father's day, or go out to dinner with friends.

At first I was really nervous about leaving the sanctity of my washroom (where I have everything spread out on our countertop!)

But I did - I have taken my shots in other people's homes and yes even in PUBLIC WASHROOMS!

Some Advice: If you ever have to give yourself an injection in a public washroom try to find the stall that has a baby's changing table. It gives you a lot more space and allows you to spread everything out on top of it. It's also a good idea to bring an extra alcohol swab.

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