Saturday 13 June 2015

Why Blog?

If you knew me personally you would be even more confused to learn that I decided to create a blog. I used to be an extremely private person.
When I've had my heart broken in the past instead of running to talk to my best friend, sister or mom I would go into the privacy of my room and my own thoughts.

So why make the decision to put all my thoughts and feelings out there for the whole world to see? 
Well first of all I’m not so conceited to think the whole world has any interest in what I have to say! More importantly though I have learned the importance of transparency, honesty and telling it as it is.

While going through my miscarriage and then these last 17 months of infertility I gained answers, comfort, and support by reading the blogs and forums of other woman experiencing similar struggles.

Although I am writing this blog for myself… a kind of online journal of my IVF experiences, I like the idea that maybe somewhere out there there is a woman who may take comfort in the fact that she is not alone in this incredibly difficult journey that is infertility.

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